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Thursday, 17 June 2010

It's the Human Being who created the Idea call "God'

One thing is positive about the 'Creator God'. At least those who have deep believe on that 'human-created idea' they can't be ego-centric beyond a limit.  Man neither created nor can create this universe. But, yea they have created the idea call 'God'.
Giving all the credit to that man-made idea call 'God' stops all the process of searching the truth about nature. All the credit should go to the nature itself and its laws. Those who can't imagine that nature itself has that capacity; they also can't imagine how powerful it is. So, we'll see that those believer fools often in the name of God declare that this earth will be destroyed on this or that day. As if, the very existence of this universe depends on these Fool's predictions.
Personally, I don't believe on that section of present day environment scientist as well, who believe that environment pollution or Global warming will destroy the human civilization.    Even God can do all the evil to human being if he don't get due PUZA, nature will not.
If we believe that human being is the nature's best creation then we also should believe that nature has all ready created some of its finest saver among human being. They are not Sadhus like Ravisankar or Saibaba or Pope Benedict but, the scientist or people with scientific temperament, who can explain to us if any information can pass through the black hole. No God Man in this world can move around this world in 90 minutes. Who can they are the greatest man or women of this human civilization. If we have to offer any kind of thanks & Gratitude to anyone, that should be done to those greatest son and daughters of this mother (Or you can say father) universe.